The True Colors of Schism in Self-Styled “Traditionalism”

The self-proclaimed “traditionalist” movement is showing its true colors more and more. I think they have probably always had schismatic tendencies, but in the past they seem to have been more subtle in their argumentation. This could very well be why the Holy Spirit chose Pope Francis for this era. Francis is forcing them to … Continue reading The True Colors of Schism in Self-Styled “Traditionalism”

Is the Catechism of the Catholic Church “simply” a sure norm for teaching the Faith?

An article got passed around my parish (not by my priest, but by a layman). It was so terribly argued that I was surprised people would take it seriously, and saddened that some of these are within my own parish. Like many things like this, I wrote up a response and decided it was worth … Continue reading Is the Catechism of the Catholic Church “simply” a sure norm for teaching the Faith?

Did Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández say there was a unique “Doctrine of Pope Francis”?

No. He did not. From the interview with National Catholic Register, Fernandez said, When we speak of obedience to the magisterium, this is understood in at least two senses, which are inseparable and equally important. One is the more static sense, of a “deposit of faith,” which we must guard and preserve unscathed. But on … Continue reading Did Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández say there was a unique “Doctrine of Pope Francis”?

Vatican I and Dogmatic Submission to Non-Infallible Doctrines and Disciplines

Disclaimer: Like all of my posts, this is a blog of my personal thoughts. I am a layman trying to understand difficult topics and may not have all the necessary information. I’m still learning so any conclusions stated here may not be fully correct and will likely be developed with any new information. The first … Continue reading Vatican I and Dogmatic Submission to Non-Infallible Doctrines and Disciplines

“The Orthodoxy of Amoris Laetitia” by Pedro Gabriel: a book review

The Short Review Anyone concerned about the controversy surrounding Amoris Laetitia needs to read this book. The Longer Review Pedro Gabriel is a regular contributor to the website Where Peter Is and has become of one my favorite authors there. When I heard he was writing this book I was excited, and Mr. Gabriel … Continue reading “The Orthodoxy of Amoris Laetitia” by Pedro Gabriel: a book review

John Henry Newman on Development of Papal Supremacy

When the Church, then, was thrown upon her own resources, first local disturbances gave exercise to Bishops, and next ecumenical disturbances gave exercise to Popes; and whether communion with the Pope was necessary for Catholicity would not and could not be debated till a suspension of that communion had actually occurred. It is not a … Continue reading John Henry Newman on Development of Papal Supremacy