The True Colors of Schism in Self-Styled “Traditionalism”

The self-proclaimed “traditionalist” movement is showing its true colors more and more. I think they have probably always had schismatic tendencies, but in the past they seem to have been more subtle in their argumentation. This could very well be why the Holy Spirit chose Pope Francis for this era. Francis is forcing them to … Continue reading The True Colors of Schism in Self-Styled “Traditionalism”

J.R.R. Tolkien, the Mass, Vatican II, and Misrepresentation by the SSPX

I came across this article by the SSPX called "Professor Tolkien Goes to Mass: What the Author and Scholar Saw that Others Dismissed". And I figured it required a response. Granted, it’s a short article, but I feel like it gives a shallow one-dimensional appraisal of Tolkien; as if they think he’d be one of … Continue reading J.R.R. Tolkien, the Mass, Vatican II, and Misrepresentation by the SSPX

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger on Receiving Communion: in the Hand or on the Tongue?

"The second objection we wanted to consider was directed against the act of receiving Communion: kneeling—standing, hand—mouth." …. "Well, here again we know that until the ninth century Communion was received in the hand, standing. That does not of course mean that it should always be so. For what is fine, sublime, about the Church … Continue reading Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger on Receiving Communion: in the Hand or on the Tongue?

Letters on Liturgy by Fr. Dwight Longenecker – A Review

The familial debate within Catholicism about what make the best liturgical practices can get very heated indeed. And family quarrels can be some of the worst, especially for something as meaningful and important as our Catholic worship. The Catechism of the Catholic Church calls the Eucharist the “source and summit of the Christian life” and … Continue reading Letters on Liturgy by Fr. Dwight Longenecker – A Review